Tag: KYB

  • KYB “Truck Months” Rebate

    Did you know there`s a new rebate that took life from a great partnership between RockAuto and KYB? Well, you probably didn`t but you do now, so maybe it`s not too late as this goes all the way to end of the month.

    About KYB

    KYB  Europe GmBH is only a small of a much bigger KYB corporation. For about 100 years, this company is specialized in hydraulics, having its technology spread towards rail, maritime and aeronautical industries. The company has over 8,000 employees in the entire world and turns around 60% of sales of auto shock absorbers from more than $2.6 billion.

    From the company`s 15 factories in the U.S., Europe and Asia, KYB has a product capacity on an annual basis of over 75.000.000 shock absorbers. Additionally, KYB has the largest factory of shock absorbers on the planet with a capacity of more than 50.000.000 pieces.

    KYB “Truck Months” Rebate

    According to KYB`s section from the RockAuto Promotions page, customers can receive a $25 reward if they upgrade to KYB truck performance with one of four KYB shocks & struts. To qualify for this rebate, you need to order any combination or four KYB Shocks or Struts (or Strut-Plus) for a van, SUB or truck. The rebate is available until 30 November 2016.

    If you want to submit a rebate, you need to mail a copy of your retail parts order in which you have to show any combination you want of 4 KYB Struts, Strut-Plus or Shocks for a van, SUB or truck on the very same invoice, as well as the barcode from every box along with a filled rebate certificate.

    NOTE: Keep in mind that this promotion is only valid for trucks, vans and SUVs. Passenger cars will not qualify. All the necessary documents should be sent at the below address. Check the back of this particular form for all the rules & details.

    kyb truck months

    KYB Truck Months
    Dept# KY16-3284
    PO Box 472
    Scottsdale, AZ 85252-0472

  • KYB Suspension Rebate: Get a $40 Rebate!

    Have you heard of KYB Americas Corporation, the company that deals with world class shocks and struts? This company along with RockAuto is ready to offer to their customers a very nice rebate that cannot pass unnoticed.

    If you buy 4 KYB Struts or Shocks or 2 KYB Strut-Plus between 01.03.2016 and 30.04.2016, you`ll be eligible for this rebate and get $40.

    How to Submit the Rebate?

    • Mail the retail parts order copy that outlines the purchased items along with the UPC barcode from each and every box and the KYB rebate certificate fully completed, or;
    • Mail the retail installation invoice copy from any service facility showing the items on the very same invoice and the KYB rebate certificate fully completed;
    • Send these documents to the following address:

    KYB $40 for 4
    Dept# KY16-2311
    PO Box 472
    Scottsdale, AZ 85252-0472

    Qualifying Products

    • KYB Excell-G
    • GR-2
    • Gas-a-Just
    • MonoMax
    • Strut-Plus
    • AGX
    • OE Performance & Performance Plus Struts & Shocks

    Consider these Guidelines

    • All items purchased need to be in one single transaction and should appear on the very same invoice as well.
    • All submissions need to be postmarked until 31.05.2016.
    • Only one single rebate for each household, person, physical address or customer.
    • The rebate is void where taxed, restricted, prohibited or licensed.
    • This rebate cannot be combined with other deals.
    • The company isn`t responsible for lost, misdirected or late mail.
    • Any submission postmarked after 31.05.2016 won`t be honored.