The new partnership between RockAuto and FRAM brings us a new rebate in which customers can get $4 back via mail.
FRAM is a company launched over 75 years ago that deals with high quality air and oil filters for just about any vehicle out there. Users can visit the official site of the company and use the interactive displays or catalog to find a product that is suitable to their needs.
Practically, to be eligible for this rebate you need to buy 1 FRAM air filter and 1 FRAM oil filter of your choosing and you`ll immediately be able to get 4$ back via mail.
How to Qualify of the Rebate?
- Buy any of the products outlined above until August 31, 2016;
- All receipts of the rebate dated before March 01, 2016 and August 31, 2016 won`t be accepted;
- Proof-of-order for this rebate`s submissions can`t be photocopied or reproduced in any way;
- Selling or trading proof-of-order isn`t allowed;
- Retain a copy of the receipt for ordered products for your personal records;
- This deal can`t be combined with other deals or discounts;
- Void where licensed, restricted, prohibited or taxed;
- Any lost, stolen or damaged rebate forms won`t be honored;
- You should allow 6 to 8 weeks for this rebate`s shipment;
- Cut out any FRAM UPC symbol from every package;
- Circle the prices that were paid on the original receipts (both products need to be ordered on the same receipt);
- Enclose the form of the filled out rebate and mail all products to the below address;
- You can get a form from or by clicking the image below.
All documents should be mailed at:
FRAM 2016 Oil and Air filter $4 Mail In Rebate
Offer# 38442
PO Box 6029
Douglas, AZ 85655-6029